Dr. Rozi Bin Umor

P.Geol Dr Mohd Rozi Bin Umor
Associate Director


Dr Mohd Rozi Bin Umor is an accomplished geologist with 25 years of experience in the field. He is 49 years old and now based in Bangi, Selangor. He is currently the associate director for Geo Mag Engineering. He obtained his Bc (Hons) and MSc (Hons) in Geology from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UM). He then further his studies, in Universiti Malaya (UM) and achieved his PhD in 2009. He works as a lecturer at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and taught Earth System, Optical Mineralogy, Petrology and Advance Petrology, Geology of Malaysia and Applied Geochemistry and Deposit Evaluation courses. He actively involves in research projects under UKM while he is a lecturer there.

Dr Mohd Rozi had involved in many projects since he started working as a geologist. Some of his completed projects that he leads are Kajian Semula Petrogenesis Batuan Igneus Pulau Pangkor Berdasarkan Penentuan Usia Dan Geokimia Batuan, Pendekatan Bar Secara Geokimia Unsur-Unsur Surih Bagi Memastikan Semula Petrogenesis Batuan Kompleks Stong, Jeli, Kelantan and Kajian Semula Petrogenesis Batuan Berdasarkan Kaitan Lapangan Dan Geokimia Batuan Gunung Benom, Pahang. Besides that, there are several on-going projects that he involves as the project leader and associate researcher. The projects are The Geological Heritage of the Middle Range Igneous Rock at Peninsular Malaysia: Petrological and Orogenesis, Geowarisan Batuan Jalur Barat Semenanjung Malaysia and Pemodelan Pengeluaran Dan Penyusutan Sumber Mineral Dan Bahan Bakar Foil di Malaysia. 

During his time working as a geologist, Dr Mohd Rozi has been able to publish numerous technical papers. Here are some of the selected publications by him. 1) The age of Berangkat Pluton compared to the age of Kenerong Pluton in the Stong Complex using the U/Pb Zircon analysis. The proceeding of 6′ Symposium of the International Geological Correlation Programme Project 516 (IGCP 516). Page 75 – 76 2) The genesis of the Alkaline Rock Series of the Benom Complex, Central Belt of the Peninsular Malavsia. Proceedings of the International Symposia on Geoscience Resources and Environments of Asian Terranes. Page 279 – 282 3) Batuan volkanik Formasi Semantan di sekitar Gunung Benom. Bulletin Geological Society of Malaysia No 59.