Prof. Dr. Abdul Ghani Md Rafek

P.Geol Prof Dr Abdul Ghani Md Rafek
Expert Technical Advisor

Prof Dr Abdul Ghani Md Rafek is an accomplished geologist with 37 years of experience in the field, He is bs years old and now based in Petaling Jaya. He is currently the expert technical advisor for Geomag Engineering. He obtained his Be (Hons) in Applied Geology from University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur in 1978- With a scholauship of the Gernan Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) he continued his postgraduate studies at the Ruhr University, Bochum in Genmany achieving a Dipernall (PhD). Upon returing to Malaysia in 1984, he joined the Geology Department of the National University of Malaysia (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) as a lecturer. He worked there until October 2014, becoming an Associate Professor in 1994 and a Professor of Engineering Geology (Geomechanics) in 2007. Prof Dr Abdul Ghani joined UTP in December 2014 as a professor and was there until November 2018.

Prof Dr Abdul Ghani had involved in many projects since he started working as a geologist. One of the projects that he had involved are Engineering Geology Project of 2nd Genting Sempah Tunnel. His primary role in the project was as a geomechanical expert which manages the evaluation of the geomechanical characterization of the site, the suitability of the tunnel support system and the rate of tunnel excavation. Next, he also involved in Design Review Report for Sungai Selangor Dam project where he would done a monthly visit to the Sg. Selangor Dam site during construction to monitor the engineering geological conditions and make the necessary recommendations for safe and economically viable construction. Besides that, he also involves in the Rock Mechanics Testing, SMART Tunnel project in Kuala Lumpur. He monitored the engineering geological and subsurface investigation done by MajuMec Bina Sdn. Bhd. The rock mechanics testing for the project included uniaxial compression tests, tensile strength tests, point load tests, Los Angeles abrasion test and the material description.

During his time working as a geologist, Prof Dr Abdul Ghani has been able to publish numerous technical papers. Here are some of the selected publications by him. 1) “A systematic approach of rock slope stability assessment: a case study at Gunung Kandu, Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia. Sains Malaysiana 47(2):1413 – 1421.” 2) “Durability characterisation of weathered sedimentary rocks using slake durability index and jar slake test. Bulletin Geological Society of Malaysia 65:81 – 88.” 3) “Systematic approach to sustainable rock slope stability evaluation. Procedia Chemistry 19: 981 – 985.” .