Dr. Mohamad Anuri Bin Ghazali

P.Geol Dr Mohamad Anuri Bin Ghazali
Managing Director (MD)

Dr Mohamad Anuri Bin Ghazali, has wide experience as an Engineering Geologist for more than 21 years. Currently, he is the managing director of the GEO MAG ENGINEERING and GEOMAG GEOLOGICAL SDN. BHD, companies which focus in the geological and geotechnical field. He obtained his BSc (Hons) in Geology from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). He is now pursuing his PhD in UKM focusing on geotechnical with a thesis on “Kajian Penilaian Keberkesanan Geobencana (Hazard Map) Dalam Penentuan Kestabilan Cerun (Faktor Keselamatan) Di Empangan Sultan Mahmud, Tasik Kenyir, Kuala Berang, Terengganu”.

On 3rd January 2007, He joined Kumpulan IKRAM Sdn Bhd, as Engineering Geologist and he is attached to the Special Project Unit, Infrastructure Research & Development Centre.  He involves in conducting, monitoring and completing National Slope Master Plan Study. He has experience in site investigation involving borehole off-shore, borehole on land and various in-situ testing. He has also involved in forensic work, such as geotechnical investigation of landslides, soil settlements, developing the geological hazard map and slopes inspection work for routine slope maintenance. Apart from that, he was heavily involved in research projects to determine the factors that trigger debris flows in Peninsular Malaysia.

Since he become the managing director, several high-profile jobs have been accomplished by the companies. Some of the jobs are “Lembah Kinta Geopark Research and Development (2015): Detailed Geological Data Collection for Every Geosites, Related Research, History, Culture, Tradition And Lembah Kinta Archeology And Dossier Method Preparation.” by Department of Mineral and Geoscience Malaysia (JMG) Perak, “Detail Topographic Survey, Resistivity Survey, Slope Inventories And Engineering Geological Mapping For Slope Stability Study At Sultan Mahmud Power Station, Kenyir” by TNB Research Sdn Bhd and Groundwater Research in Federal Territory of Putrajaya by the Government of Malaysia.